[经] 司法部门;
Dean is fending off three antitrust lawsuits, the most recent filed by the Justice Department itself.
最近,司法部对迪恩食品提出了三项反垄断诉讼, 迪恩食品正忙于招架.
——期刊摘选The Justice Department says those dismissals were based on poor performance.
互联网A prosecutor was caught up in Justice Department scandal.
互联网A Justice Department spokeswoman declined to comment.
互联网He was certain that the Justice Department could use the evidence to obtain a perjury indictment.
互联网How would you like to go to Washington and work for the Justice Department?
电影对白Bloomberg said the SEC and the Justice Department declined to comment.
互联网Bryan Sierra , a spokesman for the Justice Department, declined to comment.
来自司法部的发言人 布赖恩·斯莱瑞 则对此拒绝发表意见.
互联网Eventually, Netscape was also - ran status - and the Justice Department took Microsoft to court on antitrust violations.
最后, 网景被逼得几乎窒息,这时司法部出面以触犯反垄断法的罪名将微软送上法庭.
互联网The Justice Department continues to investigate other companies.
互联网Microsoft Corp. and the Justice Department have reached an agreement to settle their long - running antitrust dispute.
微软公司已同司法部达成协议从而解决了 长期 僵持的反垄断争端.
互联网Justice Department files antitrust against AT & T.
司法部提出针对T的法 托拉斯 诉讼.
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